Which came first the chicken or the egg?
It’s is often said that joy does not create a thankful spirit, but rather being thankful manifests itself in great joy.
Some people are rightfully grateful for their health and home (I am as well), but it is the relationships with others that make me rich beyond my wildest dreams.
In the midst of this crazy year I write to you to say I am deeply grateful and as a result I have great joy; moreover, I have peace.
So here goes, my list of the things I am thankful for:
I am thankful for the opportunity amongst chaos. 2020 has definitely been a chaotic year. It has given me great opportunities for growth that I would not have had otherwise. Believe it or not, I am thankful for 2020.
I am grateful for my family. The best thing I have accomplished in my life is to parent my daughter and son. They have blessed me and I am beyond proud. You are both amazing adults!
I am grateful for an amazing son in law. You and my daughter have a beautiful relationship!
I am very grateful for a certain silver haired co-adventurer. I hope for many more years of adventure.
I am so grateful for close friends!
Terri, you are the wisest woman I know! You are also the kindest! You are the caretaker of our group!
Starra, you “get” me better than anyone else! You are the woman I trust with my thoughts first, before I ever post them. I know that my thoughts and feelings are safe in your care.
You two ladies are the best friends I could have ever asked for! I love you dearly!
I am so grateful for the woman I call sister! Sue, in every way you are my sister and I miss you very much!
This year has been hard because we have not had the opportunity to go on photo safari’s or travel to Napa or sit in each other’s kitchen and just talk! But you have been in my heart always! I am beyond grateful that you are in my life!
I am grateful for this blog! An opportunity to write my deepest feelings and the courage to press send. Even if they are never read! And maybe more to the point, if they are.
I am grateful for you, gentle reader. Fellow travelers on this journey.
Happy Thanksgiving!