I'm Sorry

Some of the younger set believe you are not a true “influencer” until you have issued your first apology video.

This weekend, I made a mistake that requires an apology.

I committed to meet someone and I just forget. I could excuse it by saying I was working on a tight deadline to finish some things in the wood shop or I was helping others prepare for commitments but those just sound like excuses. The truth is I committed to do something and I dropped the ball. I let the person I was supposed to meet down.

To be fair, while it was not an intentional slight, it just was not being respectful of her time. I do typically try to be respectful of others. To follow the golden rule and treat others like I would want to be treated. But in this instance, I just made a mistake.

After I sincerely apologized, she had a decision to make. How was she going to respond to my forgetfulness?

  1. She could have offered Grace, accepting my sincere apology.

  2. She could have said she did not have additional time to meet with me again and the exchange

    would have been over.

  3. She could have agreed to meet me the next day and just not showed up.

Each of us at some point will make a mistake AND each of us will be let down by someone.

I have come to believe that these instances are the quizzes that let us know how our emotional maturity is coming along. Do we act or do we react? More importantly, do we give power over our emotions to someone else? How well do our stated values align with our actions?

We are responsible for keeping our own emotions in check. We should never give someone else the keys to our life. It makes us an easy target for manipulation.

I would love to say that I will never make another mistake again. But the truth is I will. The best I can do is sincerely apologize, wish ‘em well and move on, trying to do better when the opportunity arises.

It is not my responsibility nor is it my business how someone else chooses to respond to my apology. That is not a part of my journey. For my part, I would rather keep the responsibility for my own life squarely on my own shoulders.

Again, I am so sorry. May you be blessed with Peace and Love.

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