Time and Change 05/25/20

I spend so much of my time in the woods contemplating time and change.

The seasonal changes that give rhythm and small movements in time. Spring blooms into summer prospects, then to fall’s harvest, and finally winter’s rest.

And even bigger changes that may span hundreds and thousand of those yearly cycles. A huge boulder is displaced and falls to the earth below and trees grow up around it giving a more profound meaning to the difference in the landscape.

I know that our world is in the midst of a great unease. Some things that we took for granted are no longer as we thought them to be. In other words…change.

I won’t begin to try to convince you of the magnitude that this particular change has had on your life. Truth is, I don’t know. I suspect it depends a lot on where you are in your particular journey.

To those that are in mourning at this time, I wish you peace and love (and joy again soon).

What I can say is that the one constant in our world is time and change. No matter what, it will look different tomorrow. I hope that gives you the hope that is gives me.

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