Good Bones 6/23/20

In Waldorf tradition, parents and teachers bring children to music from the very beginning. The gift of music is not given for entertainment purposes because this is seen as narcissistic. Music is taught as a means of connecting to the divine.

This week a popular song lyric has become quite the ear worm in my head. Maren Morris sings: … When the bones are good, the rest don't matter”.

Find the foundation or “the bones” that you can build your life around. The thing that makes sense when everything else doesn’t make sense. Your TRUTH.

This year has been a challenging one for so many, myself included. We are like the tree that has been battered by the storms. What sustains us and keeps us upright is our root system deep in the ground. And more importantly connecting to our roots. Our “bones”.

Because like Maren says: “a house don’t fall If the bones are good”.

Lori Scates1 Comment