pockets of Joy

Full disclosure: I am a city girl.  Born and raised In a suburb of Detroit.  It was not until my adult life that I ever found the joy of hiking or for that matter being outside. 

Having said that, I find so many pockets full of joy in nature every week.  I often wonder why it took me so long to find the value in being in nature?  

Not to mislead, I still enjoy a lovely dinner with friends at a better restaurant and I love that I live connected to all the amenities that suburbia has to offer. 

However, There is something about going off into the woods and just being present that centers and grounds me.  I believe that it is the unexpected pockets of joy I find. 

This weekend I heard a deluge of rain before I ever felt a drop.  That was a first for me.   We ran for the cover of our barn only to shelter with  the amazing sound of water on the metal roof. 

I was witness to two butterflies that danced in the mud and am convinced it was my dear grandmother saying hello.

This weekend (like this year) has been challenging.  Having said that, I am glad that I had the opportunity this weekend to be in nature and I was present for the pockets of joy that made such an impact. 

Perhaps, that is the lesson I learned this weekend,  to be present for the gifts as Mother Nature gives them,  no matter my surroundings. 

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