Spider Webs
Some fun facts about spiders:
While they do not sleep in the same way you and I do, they lower their metabolic rate and have periods of “rest”.
Not all spiders spin webs to catch their prey, they spin webs to attract their prey.
Some spider silk (particularly from a Golden Orb spider) is as strong as steel.
Some spiders actually recycle their web by eating it.
Spider web is flexible and strong all at the same time. It can move with a gentle breeze and maintain the intricate patterns that are designed.
That is a lesson in and of itself for all of us. We need to be flexible enough to bend but strong enough to never break.
The most interesting thing about this story of the spider and her web (to me) is not all the trivia I have learned researching spider webs...but that it was given to me by my dear friend.
Every week I post a story about my thoughts and ideas over a weekend of “adventures” but what you don’t know is that I send all my blog posts to her first.
Beyond checking my grammar, she is the first person I share my soul with. I have come to trust her opinions and often bounce ideas off of her.
She is that spider, strong and flexible at the same time.
She is my tribe.
The people we choose to be in our tribe are so important. They are the ones that can help shape our personality. They can be that flint steel that we polish ourselves against.
I am blessed to have several women in my tribe.
My dear friend and editor, a woman who has become my sister in Texas, and of course my daughter.
True women of substance. Not perfect but then again, neither am I
I can’t imagine where I would be without these women. They make me better.
But not all tribes are like that. You have to be very discerning about the people you allow influence over you. Do they make you better? Do they support and love you? Is your tribe based on authenticity?
P.S. another wonderful woman in our tribe welcomed her daughter this morning! We have become a tribe of Aunties! Welcome little one! Can’t wait to introduce you to a fish bowl!