
We started this weekend building walls on the metal barn.

This is an enormous space that (once the previous owners stuff was cleared out) has lots of potential to be the “garage” for all of our weekend warrior trips.

I can’t imagine all of the “toys” the boys plan to put in there. Personally, I always thought it was silly to have a little bitty house and a great big garage! But it makes Mike happy.

Additionally, our cabins will be delivered In short order and soon we will begin putting the walls up for a bedroom and a bathroom, etc. We will be moving into our weekend haven.

To be succinct, this weekend has been all about boundaries.

I believe that we all have something we are supposed to learn on our journey through this life. For me, it is the ability to create and abide by boundaries.

Boundaries and walls and fences are in essence the same thing. They keep each of us responsible for our own “yard”. They are the markers that say “stop, don’t go any further.

An example of a boundary would be the idea that your opinion of me is not my responsibility.   I am the only one who can take my own inventory.  And in contrast, I am not responsible or qualified to take your inventory.

In all healthy relationships between two people, both have the responsibility of setting their boundaries. In the places where boundaries overlap, it requires negotiation so everyone feels respected and heard.

It is both our right and responsibility to define who we are. The reward is getting to be the person we are meant to be. We get to stand in our strength.  That is something worth fighting to maintain.

When you consider this is the only way we can interact within our relationships, you may understand why I consider this my life journey.

Lori Scates3 Comments