Little things

Its the little things. This and that. 

Its the warm sunshine felt on your face each spring and the winter gray wet skies that chill you to the bone. 

Its the beautiful fresh snow fall and the four days of mud that will inevitably follow. 

Its the smile on the face of a masked stranger that you can only recognize by their eyes. 

Its the kindness of someone holding the door for you.

Its the perfect feathered skirt that fits just right and no place to wear it. 

Its finally seeing your best friend without giving her a hug.

It’s getting to sleep with the whole bed to yourself but finding it necessary to keep the TV on. 

Its the longing for something normal when just a year ago, all you wanted was something new and exciting. Something different.

Its the healthy lifestyle that came about because of a rare disease that brought me to deaths door. One that will never be healed. 

Its the perfect glass of red wine.  Always the perfect glass. 

Its raising children that are confident and strong and socially minded that make you laugh and sending  them out into the world, on their own.  The day you have waited for and dreaded all at the same time.

It’s this and that, the little things.  It’s the Yin and the Yang.  It’s the journey.  It’s life. 

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