I am a child of the 70’s and 80’s. Deeply ingrained in my brain is the sound that the Television makes when one of the five (yes, only five) channels signed off for the night. They would play the National Anthem and then a loud deafening sound.
A variation of that sound (S-O-S in Morse code) was used when an emergency test was performed in case information had to be immediately released for public safety.
I do not remember an actual use of the system for emergency purposes, but I remember the “test”.
The announcer would come on the air and say: “The following is a test of the Emergency Broadcast System. It is only a test”.
This year has felt like a test to me. Not in the trite, oversimplified way. I have struggled (and continued to struggle) with this year. And because I am who I am…I am trying to make sense of it all.
I do not know what lies ahead for the rest of this year. For myself, survival will require a great deal of meditation, physical activity, healthy foods, outings in nature, and friendships. All socially distanced of course😊. I am grateful to have some wonderful friends.
I also have small reminders in nature that there is still beauty in being fragile. I was taken aback when my neighbor’s bush bloomed with trumpet flowers this week. It reminded my that I am okay.
I am okay.
And now we return to the regularly scheduled programming on this station.